Field Contacts

(Revised 11/10/2024)


The field’s physical address is: 6014 N 51st Street, Boulder CO (Not a mailing address)

GPS: 40.085390, -105.23270   Elevation: 5,212 ft.


For a Police, Fire or Ambulance Emergency call: 911


To report a downed aircraft and request support for retrieval:
Call the main gate of Boulder Reservoir at 303-441-3461


To report a disruptive pilot, a pilot flying in an unsafe manner, or
an unauthorized individual retrieving a downed aircraft in the restricted area:
Call dispatch for a ranger or officer at 303-441-3333


To report dogs not on a leash that are a concern in the flight area or
running loose in the restricted area:
Call City of Boulder Animal Control at 303-441-3333


If you find a dead animal that may need to be tested for diseases such as rabies, plague, etc:
Call Boulder County Public Health-Environmental at 303-441-1564

For a PDF file of the above information  click here